发布时间:2019-03-10 23:09:45
鸡腿肉ChickenLeg 4片(pcs),美乃滋Mayonnaise 1/2杯(cup),帕玛森芝士Parmesan 1/4杯(cup),蒜粉Garlicpowder?小匙 (tsp),盐Salt 少许Some,黑胡椒Blackpepper 少许Some
入口即化烤鸡的做法1、在一个碗里混和 美乃滋, 帕玛森芝士, 盐, 黑胡椒Combine the mayonnaise, cheese, and the seasonings in a bowl.
2、将鸡腿肉排在烤盘, 用汤匙(或刷子) 将步骤一均匀抹在鸡肉上Put chicken thighs on the baking pan, spread the mixture on top of each of the chicken legs.
3、预热烤箱 375F/190C, 鸡肉放入烤箱后大约烤30分钟 (或直到烤熟).Preheated oven at 375F/190C. Bake the chicken for about 30minutes (or until cooked through.)