
中火蒸椰丝、盐和班兰叶4-5分钟,目的是让椰丝吸收班兰叶的味道;Steam coconut shreds, salt and pandan leaf, so that the shreds can well absorb pandan flavour.

糯米粉加入水和班兰精;In a bowl add glutinous rice flour, water and pandan flavouring.

混合成团;Mix evenly.

黑糖切碎备用;Cut brown sugar into small pieces.

取小面团约20克一个;Weigh a small portion of about 20g.

按扁,中心放黑糖约5克,捏塑成汤圆状;Press flat and pick brown sugar of 5g in the middle, form a round ball.

再用双手搓圆;Knead round with palms.

一半面团做了9个,可以先煮;Get ready to cook the first half portion of 9 balls.

锅里的水烧滚,放进丸子,煮至浮面;Bring water to boil, boil the dumplings till they float.

稍等片刻,捞起,沥干水分;Wait for 1 min, pick them up with a sieve, drain.

放在椰丝盘子里滚滚;Roll them on the shreds.

置于碟子上;Put them on a beautiful dish.

黑糖流心,你流口水了吗?Look at the lava from inside, are you mouthwatering now?

配红茶又可以再吃一个。With a cup of tea, one more please!
