发布时间:2021-09-03 20:55:07
马铃薯Potatoes 5颗pcs.,鸡胸肉ChickenBre. 5片pcs.,鸡粉ChickenStock 1/2杯cup,切达奶酪CheddarChe. 5~7片pcs,碎起司ShreddedChe. 一包pk.
焗烤鸡肉马铃薯的做法1、将马铃薯及鸡胸肉切片 (用食物处理机或者自行用刀子切)Slice the potatos and chicken breasts (Either with food processer or slice on your own)
2、烤箱预热 350°F/ 180°C. 将材料依序放进焗烤盘: 马铃薯, 鸡肉, 起司, 鸡粉.Heat oven to 350°F/ 180°C. Layer down the ingredients as follow: Potato, chicken, cheese, Chi.stock.
3、最后将碎起司铺在最上层.Sprinkle the shredded cheese on the top layer.
4、用铝箔纸将烤盘包起来放进烤箱烤30分钟, 将铝箔纸拿开再继续考20分钟, 或烤至起泡.Cover and bake 30 minutes; uncover and bake for another 20 minutes or until sauce bubbles.