发布时间:2019-03-10 05:24:54
砂糖Sugar 40g,盐Salt 1.5g,奶油Butter 10g,热水HotWater 150ml,鲜奶Milk 50ml,玉米粉Cornstarch 20g
早餐美奶滋的做法1、准备小锅子, 加入糖,盐,奶油和热水. 搅拌, 稍微煮滚. In a small pot, add sugar, salt, butter and hot water. Mix and bring to slight boil.
2、用另一个碗, 混和牛奶和玉米粉, 混和均匀. In another bowl, mix well milk and cornstarch.
3、趁锅子还是小滚时, 将牛奶和玉米粉混和加入锅内, 搅拌后关火. While the pot is still slightly boiling, add the milk and cornstarch mix. Mix well then turn off the heat.
4、倒入容器里, 放凉后放进冰箱. Transfer into a container, let cool, refrigerate.