发布时间:2019-03-09 22:55:42
鸡腿DrumSticks 6支pcs,盐Salt 少许some,黑胡椒粉BlackPepper 少许some,鸡粉ChickenStock 少许some,蒜粉GarlicPowder 少许some,面粉Flour1 ?杯,炸油Fryingoil 1
家常炸鸡的做法1、先用盐, 黑胡椒和鸡粉先调味Season the chicken with salt, pepper and chicken stock before.
2、在盘子里混和盐, 蒜粉和面粉Mix Salt, garlic powder with all-purpose flour in a plate
3、把鸡肉裹粉Coat the chicken with the flour mix
4、快速的将裹好的鸡肉浸冷水然后取出Dip the coated chicken in room temperature water quickly
5、将鸡肉再裹一次粉, 这会让鸡肉炸好后表皮更厚和酥脆Coat the chicken with the flour mix again, this will create a thicker and crispier coating after frying.
6、将裹了两次粉的鸡肉用 375F/190C 炸大约3-5分钟, 或直到鸡肉呈黄金色.Deep fry the double coated chicken at 375F/190C for 3-5mins or until golden