
萝卜削皮、洗净、刷丝;Peel, wash and shred the turnip.

先把冬菇和虾米各自洗净、浸水,软化后切粒;芹菜、腊肠、猪肉也切成小粒;Dice the mushroom and shrimp meat after washing and soaking. Cut the celery, sausages, pork meat to tiny pieces.

刷好丝的白萝卜连其水一起煮,期间搅拌,滚起至熟,然后置于一旁,随即开始炒其他材料;Cook the shredded turnip and stir constantly till tender, set aside. Then start the next steps.

热锅下少许油,依次序炒香腊肠、虾米、猪肉粒、冬菇,加上浸泡冬菇和虾米的水;Sauté one by one the sausage, shrimp meat, pork meat, mushroom, add the mushroom and shrimp meat water.

加入芹菜和鱼露炒香,把萝卜倒进去,加粗盐、胡椒粉和生抽捞匀,最后加粘米粉拌匀;Add celery and fish sauce, pour turnip into the wok with salt, pepper and soy sauce, stir well then add flour.

第五步骤注意:芹菜炒好了即熄火;Turn the heat off before pouring turnip into the wok.

以勺子再搅几圈,分别倒入刷了油的盆中,开大火直接以冷水蒸10分钟后转中火蒸30分钟;Stir again and again, pour them into greased pans, steam at high heat for 10 mins then 30 mins at medium.

锅里取出待凉,糕才会变硬,再置于冰箱,隔夜;The cake will only be set after total cooling by placing it in the fridge overnight.

切件锅里煎香或者微波炉加热进食。(发现要分享照片时糕已吃清光,只能借阿平的一用。)Reheat by pan frying the cut pieces, better serve hot.