
Wash duck and pat dry with paper towels. Remove extra fat from cavity and separate skin from the meat. Hang for at least an hour in a cool room.

Mix three of the 八角, three of the bay leaves, the 姜粉, hoisin sauce, 五香粉, and salt together. Stuff inside the duck.

Skewer duck bottom shut

Add the 水,蜂蜜,姜,酱油,盐,醋. Bring to a boil for ten minutes.

Spoon the boiling liquid over the duck skin. This will cause the skin to tighten. Do this for at least fifteen times.

Hang duck for fifteen minutes. Repeat step five another time. Hang again in a cool and dry room for a few hours, overnight or two days is best.

At least an hour before cooking, spread a thin layer of honey over the skin of the duck. Let it dry. Use a fan if needed. The skin should be dry.

Add 1/4杯 of water into pan. Place in oven at 420 F for thirty mins. Flip over and cook for 20 minutes at 400 F. Flip again and cook for 10 minutes.

Let cool for ten minutes and cut into pieces using a cleaver.