白花椰菜Cauliflower 1颗pc,美乃滋Mayonnaise 1/4杯cup,番茄酱Ketchup 1/4杯cup
白花椰菜加自制沾酱的做法1、切白花椰菜, 清洗干净后放进大碗里.Cut cauliflower and wash clean, then put them into a large bowl.
2、看一下碗底有没有一小摊水堆积, 如果没有的话可以多加一大匙的水.Check if there is a small pool of water form in the bottom of the bowl. If not, add a tablespoon of water.
3、碗盖上盖子或者可微波的保鲜膜(撮几个洞). 微波约一分钟. (English instruction below)
Cover the bowl with a microwave-safe lid or microwavable plastic wraps. Then microwave (poke a few holes on the top). Microwave for 1 minute.
4、拿出后可以试试看是不是您喜爱的软度, 如果觉得不够熟可以一次加热15秒直到您喜欢的程度. Test for tenderness and repeat at 15-second intervals until the cauliflower is steamed to your liking.
5、混和美乃滋和番茄酱 1:1做沾酱.Mix mayonnaise and ketchup 1:1 for dip.