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发布时间:2024-08-04 12:54:31

   I love you。

   I wanna tell you why I love you。I have to tell you this, and you need to hear it。

   I love you since I first met you。 But I won’t allow myself to truely feel it until today。

   I was always thinking ahead, making desicions so fear。

   Today ,because you, what I learned from you, every choice I made was different,and my lift has been completly changed。 And I learn if you do that that will make you life fully, it doesn’t matter if it has five minuts or fifty years。

   It’not for today, not for you, i would never know “love” at all。

   So ,thank you for being the person who told me to love and to be loved。

   — from Ian

   这是伊恩在等车时对莎曼塔的真情告白。天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福,我们都不了解自我的下一秒会产生什么样的事。而人又总是在流失的时间才开始后悔,祈求if only,但是世界上却没有if only。这也是这个故事所想告诉我们的吧。珍惜身边的人,也是珍惜自我。


