发布时间:2019-03-10 17:38:32

这是晚上刚做好的,好在儿子和老公各吃了一个之前拍了照;Fortunately I have already captured a nice shot before my son and hubby ate the bread.

把两个黑罂粟籽包,切半;Get 2 black poppy seed bread, halve the bread.

附上芝士、巴马火腿片,洒上黑胡椒粉;Fill in mozzarella and Parma ham with some black pepper powder.

把合起来的包放进预热好的三文治机内烤4分钟;Grill them in preheated panini machine for 4 mins.

取出切半;Cut half for each.

趁热好好享用。Buon appetito!

佐以柠檬水,清新健康的一天!With a cup of lemon water, so refreshing!
