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英文影评:《鬼镇》Ghost Town

发布时间:2023-10-29 10:44:09

  Thanks for checking out our Ghost Town review. If you’d like to see the video version of the Ghost Town review you can watch it at the bottom of this post.

  Ever since watching Mystery Men and As Good As It Gets, I’ve become a life long Greg Kinnear fan. The guy just finds a way to bring insane amounts of personality and likability to every role he plays (He did it exceptionally well opposite Pierce Brosnan in “The Matador”). Then there’s Ricky Gervais who in my opinion is one of the true comedy gods of our generation. Put the two of them in a movie together and I’m instantly interested.

  However, the previews and synopsis of Ghost Town haven’t done much for me at all. Heading into my screening last night my expectations were actually kind of low. Was it as bad as I thought or as good as I hoped? Well….


  The synopsis for Ghost Town reads something like this: “Bertram Pincus (Ricky Gervais), is a man whose people skills leave much to be desired. When Pincus dies unexpectedly, but is miraculously revived after seven minutes, he wakes up to discover that he now has the annoying ability to see ghosts. Even worse, they all want something from him, particularly Frank Herlihy (Greg Kinnear) who pesters him into breaking up the impending marriage of his widow Gwen (Téa Leoni). That puts Pincus squarely in the middle of a triangle with spirited results.” (See what I mean about not sounding all that interesting?)


  From start to finish the single greatest strength of this movie is Ricky Gervais. The man reminded me a lot of John Cleese in this movie because his effortless delivery of completely rich hilarious lines in the midst of boring and lack luster situations made you constantly aware that any moment you may start laughing out loud. Yes the lines were funny… but his delivery of those lines were priceless. Whenever Gervais was on screen… you were being entertaine

