芋頭派 Taro Pie的做法
发布时间:2019-03-10 20:04:35
芋頭 Taro 1 1/2磅
紅糖Brown Sugar 1 杯
酸忌廉 Sour Cream 3/4杯
濃忌廉 Heavy Cream 3/4杯
椰? Coconut Cream 1/2杯
蛋 Eggs 3隻
肉桂粉 Cinnamon Powder 1湯匙
急涷派皮 Ready-to-use Pie Crust 1張
芋頭派 Taro Pie的做法1、芋頭切片,隔水蒸熟。壓成茸。Slice and steam to cooked than mashed.
2、預熱焗爐華氏350度。Pre-heat oven 350 F degree.
3、紅糖及肉桂粉加入芋茸,混勻。Add brown sugar and cinnamon, mix well.
4、加入酸忌廉、濃忌廉、椰?、混勻。Add sour cream, heavy cream, and coconut cream, mix well.
5、蛋分別加入,混勻。Add eggs, mix well. .
6、派皮攤開在派盤,注入混好欣芋?。Lay pie crust on bake dish.
7、焗45?60 分鐘,直至竹櫼揷入拔出,乾淨沒有?便成。Bake about 45~60 min until tooth pick clear once test the center of pie.