发布时间:2021-12-28 21:17:25
白萝卜Radish 1小块smallpc,芹菜Celery 1/2根pc,排骨块SpareRib 100g,盐Salt 少许Some
萝卜芹菜排骨汤的做法1、将一小锅装入水, 盖过排骨. 让水滚一阵子, 这可以煮出猪骨的杂质.Add water into a pot, just enough to cover the spare ribs. Boil the water for a while; this will get the extra dirt out of the ribs.
2、切白萝卜切块, 芹菜切碎.Cut radish into bite size and chop celery into small bits.
3、将煮开的脏水倒掉换一批新的冷水. 加入白萝卜, 煮滚后转小火炖煮15分钟. (或直到白萝卜稍微透明)
Dump out all the dirty spare rib soup and add new water into the pot. Put radish into the pot, bring to boil then let the soup simmer for 15 minutes.
4、最后加入芹菜再煮30秒, 加入盐.Finally add the celery and boil for 30 seconds, then add salt.