发布时间:2019-03-10 15:01:50
白饭Cookedrice 1/2杯cup,高汤Soupstock 1杯cup,鸡蛋Egg 1颗pc,盐Salt 少许Some,酱油Soysauce 少许Some
小童午餐鸡蛋粥的做法1、水或高汤(排骨高汤/蔬菜高汤 )加入锅内再加入白饭Add water or Soup stock (Spareribs stock /vegetable stock) into the pot, add rice, use medium low heat bring to boil.
2、打蛋, 先至旁边.Beat egg and set it aside.
3、加入盐, 慢慢搅拌继续炖煮至饭稍软.Add salt; mix until the rice is soft.
4、加入蛋液, 慢慢搅拌, 继续以小火炖煮. Stir in egg, mix slowly, and continue cooking with low heat.
5、最后加入一点点酱油增加味道. 关火搅拌均匀. Last add just a bit of soy sauce to have extra taste, turn off the heat and mix.