发布时间:2019-03-10 13:52:56

把咖啡豆研磨,不需要很细致;Grind the coffee beans coarsely.

把咖啡粉和过滤冷水混合于一个瓶子(A)里,置于雪柜冷泡一晚;In a jar, add coffee powder and filtered cold water, mix well, sit overnight for more than 12 hours.

准备另一个瓶子(B),把咖啡倒进去,沈淀的咖啡粉会留在(A)瓶底;再静置一会儿;Pour the coffee into another jar (without filter paper) and sit for sometime.

再把咖啡倒进已洗净的瓶子(A),咖啡随时可以喝了;完全不需要滤纸;Pour the coffee back to the cleaned jar.

依喜好加入糖浆或者牛奶制成各种咖啡。Create your own coffee by adding syrup or milk.