发布时间:2022-06-15 02:55:28
椰奶 400克,水 400克,燕菜丝 10克,白糖 65克,椰糖 65克,水 800克,燕菜丝 10克,香兰叶 2片
椰糖燕菜糕的做法1、椰奶层 : combine sugar, water and agar, bring it to boil and stir till sugar melted. Off the heat,next add in coconut milk and mixed. ~ 分 3 份
2、椰糖层 :combine all and bring it to boil. Stir until palm sugar melted. ~ 分 3 份
one portion of palm sugar, let it set in room temperature (take about 8-10 minutes), then pour another portion of coconut milk, let it set. 重复步骤。