
位置:生活日记网 > qq分组 > 英文分组


  • 后悔当初伤感qq英文分组

    where are you我要的不是结束where are you我恨我恨我当初wher are you我问的不是假如wher are youPlease stay in my heart-[请留在我心里]Let make me love you...

  • 简约唯美伤感qq英文分组

    [纵然喜欢清澈]If love is clear[却身处一片浑浊]But in a muddy[害怕你冰冷的眼]afraid of you cold eye[盯着我透明的心]see transparent heart[ 我的坚强睡了 ...

  • qq伤感无奈心痛的英文分组

    ﹡ 我生君未生       ﹡ 君生我已老   babyいcan you seeI love youvery much ゛Love is not to refuse[久爱不腻]For love is not greasy[深爱不弃]I h...

  • qq简约大方伤感英文分组

    别说对不起゜Don't say sorry       相信我会忘记你゜I believe I will forget夏目迷心Xia mu fan heart梦遇旧她In her old dream患者多心Patients w...

  • 中英文经典简单的qq英文分组

    [青梅枯萎]Greengage wither[芬芳满地]Fragrance everywhere你拥佳人You hold the wind我仍痴等I am still waiting换盏To change茶凉The tea is cool酒寒The win...

  • 简约英文带翻译的qq英文分组

    The story is very short故事很短Did you go to the distance你去了远方Also have got a new she也有了新的她伤口不见好、The wound is not ?印痕不会掉、Prints...

  • qq热门最新好看的英文分组

    Only at your side to毕竟深情不及久伴But not in your arms to毕竟你爱的人是她There is always a lierso-[总有一个人]In my heart-[常驻我心]He laughed at me...

  • qq简约伤感英文分组

    Spume、『 相逢』Spume、『 流年』Spume、『 卟覆』Spume、『 荒城』Spume、『 旧人』Spume、『 旧景』Spume、『 旧事』Spume、『 旧忆』逼出来的坚强。Forced o...

  • qq伤感失落的英文个性分组

    大雄没了小叮当Hurried footste小叮当没了尾巴Have missed many小丸子没了樱桃Dream and reality蓝精灵染了黄色Like a whirlpool超人没了红内裤~- Pay for him ?...

  • qq简单中英文个性分组

    [Ill heart]病了心脏[Wet the eyes]湿了眼眶[Dirty old lane]脏了旧巷我喜欢你[I like you]喜欢你的一切[Like your everything]喜欢你的性格[Like your characte...

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