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  • 文艺失望伤感的qq英文分组

    [Roll the dream]患得患失的梦[Dispensable people]可有可无的人其实还期待【Als looking forwar】无止境的依赖【Endless rely on】无瑕的残骸【remains of perf...

  • 文字带翻译的简单大方qq英文分组

    如果你注定要离去If you were to leave你怎么会给我希望How do you give me hopeThe sky is very blue其实天空很蓝Look up into the sky抬头看看吧For their own...

  • qq简短有意境的英文分组

    梦遇旧她In a finished一梦七年In her old dream╪─────You are memorie你是回忆You are now你是现在You and me鱼是一缕未亡之魂I love you海是一座未枯之...

  • qq文艺简单好看的英文分组

    深海有光.[ abysmal sea ]森浓有荒.[ Dense forest ]天蓝云朗.[ Sky blue ]旧时彷徨.[ Old time ]画一方禁地Draw a square net囚你于无期prison you in lifeDeep...

  • 低调文艺好看的qq英文分组

    深海有光.[ abysmal sea ]森浓有荒.[ Dense forest ]天蓝云朗.[ Sky blue ]旧时彷徨.[ Old time ]Dream lover[亡梦爱人]Aliical lover[心尖爱人]Defective lover...

  • 孤单忧伤qq最新英文分组

    我遇见你I met you喜你为疾Like you as a disease药石无医No medicine medicine偏执[Paranoid]错爱[Indulgence]溺爱[Spoil]放手[letting go]绝望[Despa...

  • qq成熟又伤感的英文分组

    If you can accompany me[如果你能陪伴我]If you can understand me[如果你能看懂我]If you love me[如果你能深爱我]If you can not escape[如果你能不逃脱]Must...

  • 关于爱情的qq英文分组

    你说过陪我You said accompany me却欺骗了我But lied to me你说过爱我You said you love me却抛弃了我But abandoned me[我不喜欢你]i don't like you[但我爱...

  • 文艺坚强好听的qq英文分组

    烟花沼泽。[Fireworks swamp.]满城灯火。[The city lights]花落半歌。[Take half a song.]回眸最初。[Looking back atfirst.]烟花沼泽。[Fireworks swamp.]满城...

  • 文艺简单四个字带翻译的qq英文分组

    Empty one hollow[空人空心]Cold cold heart[凉人凉心]No not intentional[无人无心]Abandon people abandoned[弃人弃心][北岛失晴]Kitajima lost[南海无阴]The ...

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