
位置:生活日记网 > qq分组 > 英文qq分组


  • 经典语录 26个英文字母的祝福

    [非主流分组]   Admire(赞美)“好话“人人都爱听,最好的话当然留给最亲的人。亲人给你做的饭,买的漂亮衣服都值得夸赞。    Believe(信任)相信亲人对你的好,亲戚的真...

  • 英文分组带翻译 I what you to the end Let me so persistent.

    [英文分组] 怎么办我爱你How do I love you怎么办我想你How do I want to youSend you roll送你滚Without saying thank不言谢?I give you face you do给你脸不要脸you lose ...

  • 带翻译的QQ英文分组 Just as love One day it will be forgo,Originally thought Can love you to old

    [英文分组] ┏╮╱℡ ╰★ ╮ ╱╰┛Sometimes,       ﹏﹏。I just needこ   someoneっwho can╮      ゜chat with me?where are you我要的不是结束where...

  • 伤感英文分组 The world so big It is not easy to meet

    [英文分组] who cares deep inside谁管你情深似海who care you live or die谁管你是死是活世界这么大The world so big能遇见 不容易It is not easy to meet.[When you get d...

  • 简洁英文分组带翻译 There is always a person In my heart

    [英文分组] ?[ My heart ]我的心脏.[ The way you look ]你的模样.Would rather lonely[ 宁愿孤独 ]Also don\'t want to le[ 也不愿让 ]Anyone to elaborate me[ 任何人敷衍...

  • 简洁时尚英文分组 Night came to end Can't change too much

    [英文分组] ┏╮╱℡ ╰★ ╮ ╱╰┛Sometimes,       ﹏﹏。I just needこ   someoneっwho can╮     ゜chat with meYou left me,   你留给我的.alone ...

  • 幸福的英文情侣分组一对_She was amed reasure

    [英文分组] ╱◣◥╱She was’named //”treasure”<<<释义:(把她取名叫”珍惜”)╱◣◥╱He was’named //”believe”...

  • 文艺英文分组 Is not good for marriageWhy will leave

    [英文分组] In the life dream一生一梦里A piano a chant一琴一首曲One day for every seaso一日换一季I like together一世等一聚I had a dream我做了个梦You have a dream...

  • 好看的英文qq分组 Crown your surname You have to name

    [英文分组] -失望[disappointed]-水里月亮捞不到[The water in the moon]-天上星星摘不到[Reach the sky stars]-我永远也得不到你[I never get you]-南音雨阁Na Yin rain pa...

  • 小清新英文分组 Does not belong to you Hold tight agai

    [英文分组] abysmal sea森海有光Dense forest森浓有荒Sky blue天晴云朗Old time就是彷徨If one dayyou lost meI\'ll neverlet you find me[不属于你的]Does not belong to yo...

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