
位置:生活日记网 > qq分组 > 英文qq分组


  • 英文QQ分组大全 One hundred dream Ninety-nine you

    [英文分组] -In a disastrous state【千疮百孔】-As a fatal knife【不如一刀致命】-One hundred dream【一百个梦】-Ninety-nine you【九十九个是你】You have changed.[ 你...

  • 唯美英文分组 Who’s who of good,Who put the,Who entertai

    [英文分组] ┏╮╱℡    ╰★ ╮     ╱╰┛ Is there a timeㄟ      so once,You,      ゜listen to the song   ?、think of meI-inject 投入L-loyal...

  • 最新分主流英文分组大全 Not for the people Hurt Don't hurt the heart.

    [英文分组] ┏╮╱℡    ╰★ ╮     ╱╰┛            ? spring.   ? summer.   ? autumn.   ? winter.)}﹊} ̄)} ̄ ︿Wives&...

  • 伤感英文QQ分组大全 I never count on Anyone love me Resistance to all for me

    [英文分组] [fish have a heart]鱼有一颗心i[Only seven seconds]唯有七秒情i[cat has nine lives]猫有九条命i[Only one heart]唯有一颗心i你说过爱我You said you love me...

  • 英文分组 No need to forgive

    [英文分组] 、、[我不是女王]I am not the quee、、[不需要宽容]Not need tolerance、、[我不是天使]I am not the angel、、[不需要原谅]No need to forgive、、[我只是自己...

  • 英文分组大全带翻译 Say too muchSilence is better

    [英文分组] ╭⌒⌒のˊ( . .)ˋ〇 〇﹏、Kaisijie′挥霍、那青春思念、那时光思念、那时光══↓↓↓°丅﹁秒,待續══──────┼...

  • 2015英文分组带翻译 Is my own hide the light I a person carrie all the darkne

    [英文分组] ■■■■□□□□My youth have youっ?、no loveis also sweet .ゆゆゆ"我的青春有了你。゜没有爱情也甜蜜。゜︾︾︾︾︾︾︾︾If you love如果爱Please deep l...

  • 2015英文分组带翻译 I am full of thor Is covered with wounds

    [英文分组] ?You left the你离开了My heart ache我心痛了I shed tears我流泪了The heart also died心也死了Beautiful flower[再美的花朵 ]Bloom had litter[盛开过就凋落]Th...

  • 简单好听的英文分组 If There is no light They do the sun

    [英文分组] If.[如果]There is no light.[没有光]They do the sun.[便做自己的太阳][情深似海]One\'s feeling is deep[终年不遇]Never met[如此安好]So well  , ...

  • 英文QQ分组 You know have no way to retreat

    [英文分组] If you do not leave meI will by your side until the life end你若不离不弃 我必生死相依 The End 丶 ,...

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