发布时间:2019-03-10 05:24:57
猪绞肉GroundPork 300g,洋葱Onion 1/2杯cup,红萝卜Carrot 少许some,蛋白Eggwhite 2颗pcs.,酱油Soysauce 1大匙tbsp.,糖Sugar 1/2大匙tbsp.,胡椒粉Whitepepper 少许some,面粉Flour 3大匙tbsp.
早餐汉堡肉的做法1、所有材料加入搅拌盆内. (洋葱末, 绞肉, 红萝卜, 蛋白, 与所有调味料.)Put everything into a mixing bowl. (Onion, ground pork, carrot, egg whites, and all seasonings.)
2、搅拌均匀.Mix Well.
3、将烤箱纸剪成肉片的大小. Cut some baking paper into the size of patties.
4、将烤箱纸剪成肉片的大小.Cut some baking paper into the size of patties.
5、用保鲜膜包起来, 放入冷冻库直到要使用.Plastic wrap them and put into freezer until ready to use.
6、要煮时:热油锅,将汉堡肉煎至两面熟即可. Cooking instructions: Heat the pan with a bit of oil, pan fry the patty on both sides until fully cooked.