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发布时间:2018-09-15 17:54:40

   Today is New Year's day in 2016, is the first day of our school have a holiday, I sleep a lie-in.

   "Get up, the sun is sun ass!" Mother sweetly woke me, I quickly wear good clothes, out of the room. Grandma and grandpa sitting on the sofa, smiled and looked at me, gave me a small paper bag. Open on see, there is I like to eat the "laugh" small peach shortcake and a subway duck, I could say "happy New Year" to grandma and grandpa, on one hand caught a smile, a hand caught a subway duck ate up, grandma and grandpa said happily: "happy New Year, baby!!!!!" I eat while watching my father in the plate-glass window of the sitting room a round bright red paper cutting, paper cutting a baby snake is in the middle of the pattern, the up and down or so is the image of a "peace is a blessing", appear cheery. After the stick, dad take my family to play in the south temple.

   The air outside, the sun is shining, the people of a smile on her face. The streets of the south temple, floating around in the air the fragrance of the food, there are lovely toys everywhere... Busy!

   New Year's day good ah!


   “起来喽,太阳都晒屁股啦!”妈妈甜甜地叫醒了我,我很快地穿好了衣服,走出房间。爷爷奶奶坐在沙发上,笑嘻嘻地看着我,送给我一个小纸袋。打开一看,里面有我喜欢吃的 “开口笑”小桃酥 和一只百味鸭,我还来不及向爷爷奶奶 说“新年好”,就一手抓了一把开口笑,一手抓了一块百味鸭吃了起来,爷爷奶奶开心地说:“祝宝宝笑口常开!新年快乐!”我一边吃一边看爸爸在客厅的玻璃窗上贴一张圆圆的大红剪纸,剪纸的中间是一个蛇宝宝图案,上下左右是“平安是福”的图案,显得喜气洋洋。贴完后,爸爸带我们全家去南禅寺玩。



