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发布时间:2022-12-07 21:43:23

   The 21st century, is a rapid economic development, with advanced technology in the world. People living standard enhancement, no more hunger, although there is no hunger but now people CARES for another thing, how to eat green food, health food and worry!

   The food safety can not be ignored, it's about the health of people, will be affected by any carelessness life-threatening!

   Someone will ask: "that to eat what good?" Is ah! What should eat? Can have the industrial salt chicken, duck, goose, there will be residual pesticides in vegetables, drink will have pigment, even pork by water injection. We can also go to eat some of what? Should go to eat? Do you still dare to dare not to eat table food?

   Often reported on TV, clenbuterol, Sudan red, cooking oil, etc. Even the sanlu milk powder was also said to be "poisonous milk powder", in order to reduce the cost of some small retailers should use as edible salt industrial salt can lead to cancer. These carcinogenic food, all in the name of "cheap" to sell to those who are not informed. Although many not have seized "production license". Illegal manufacturer has not been sealed, but there are many dangerous also hidden in our side!

   As the saying goes: "man is iron, the meal is steel, a meal is not to eat so hungry panic" although we can't stop illegal businessmen but we can not buy 3 without food, so we should choose safe food, production date, there are number of qs food. I think if every one of us can see the production date before shopping, choose to have qs food then won't make illegal businessmen have a chance!

   On February 6, the first time China has set up a special food safety work, high-level deliberation and coordination agencies of the state council food safety commission, the 15 members including 29 ministries and commissions under the state council. The ministry of agriculture, ministry of health, quality supervision, inspection and quarantine, state administration for industry and commerce, food and drug administration and other relevant departments collaboration.

   I believe that every person, so long as you don't deceive and administration management, illegal businessmen will explode!








