发布时间:2022-12-21 05:18:18

01、当你走进商场售货员就会迎上来招呼你:“May I help you?”“Can I help you?”“what can I do for you?”等等。
02、店主想了解顾客的需求时,可能会说:“Which shirt do you like?”““What size do you want?””
03、店主给顾客推荐商品可能说“Do you like this one?”“Is this all right?”“What about these(those)”等。
04、顾客说明自己的需求可以说:“I'm looking for a red coat.”“I want to get a pair of sunglasses.”“Could I have a look at that blouse?”
05、询问价格可以说:“How much is it?How much are these?”“What's the price of it?”等。
06、选好了商品,决定购买说:“I'll take it.”“I'll have it.”付款时说“Here's the money.”