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I know you have been loving me

发布时间:2022-11-29 19:30:20

  I know You have been loving me
Your love
Is felt like soft ripples in a lake.
Held in your hands,
I am a lotus flower of your creation.
You paint me whity
You paint me pinky.

  When hard wind blows my yellow heart
Your tears fall

  I know you have been loving me
Your love has always kept me fresh
When I withered
You make me blossom once again, year after year

  I know you have been loving me
Your chest is wider than the ocean
I am a foam in the warmth of your hug
I follow your ups and downs
I change with your switch in colors
Bright, gail, brilliant
Never fade

  I know you have been loving me
You pardon my irrors
You strong my weakness
Your tender touch on my soul turns every coldness into a warm fire

  How many lovers become exes
How many life-long swears gone with the wind
Only You keep your Love unchanged.

  I know you have been loving me
Your Love from the Cross lights up countless lives,
Shines the stars,
Passes me into your eternity

  作者 方惠 翻译 姜营
QQ 727769087

