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- I am not is a term you dallying fool,

时间: 2013-01-15 18:16:56  分类: 伤感日志  天气:晴天 

NO 1.

I am not is a fool, is no longer as a child at your dallying doll.

NO 2.

I am not is a fool, is no longer as a child at your beat and scold not strike back puppet.

NO 3.

I am not is a fool, is no longer a be dead set on love with you that person.

NO 4.

I am not is a fool, no longer is no matter what things around you to turn a fool.

NO 5.

I am not is a fool, is no longer a heart to come out, let you hurt, let you in the above change of mouth.

NO 6.

I am not is a fool, is no longer a silent support you, love you, waiting for you.

NO 7.

I am not is a fool, is no longer think for you everywhere, everywhere in your first person.

NO 8.

I am not is a fool, is no longer with as a child in your ass back, let what you say will not leave you.

NO 9.

You said I changed, yes, I was changed, but it is not self-deception to please you.

NO 10.

I'm ok, but you said: "you fucking true mean," "yes, I mean, I mean the hot face to stick your cold bottom, I mean love you so long, I mean the let go of your hand, but also in you scold, I fucking is base.

NO 11.

I am in, you told me to get. I walk, you call me back. I'm sorry, I have rolled away.

NO 12.

You're not the sun, what makes you want me to turn around you. You fucking is not the stars, with what want me to see you.

NO 13.

I am not is a fool, I bought, but also help you counted the money fool.




昵称: 安梦




