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  • 初中寒假英语日记

    [英语日记] My dailylife 我的日常生活 Though my daily life is extremely monotonous, I try hard to adapt myself to it. Why? Because I intend to be a good student....

  • 初中英语日记带翻译

    [英语日记] 初中英语日记带翻译 1、 Today and friends of foreign travel, outside air is very good, people feel very comfortable. We all appreciate the fine girls ...

  • 初中英语日记

    [英语日记] 徐明财Today is very hot, but in order to imfrove my English and learn how to be independent, I attend an english camp and came to the beautiful Zheji...

  • 初中英语日记例文6篇

    [英语日记] 初中英语日记例文6篇第一天:THE NEWSPAPER 报 纸 Nowadays the newspaper possesses considerable value Everybody should read it. It supplies us with a va...

  • 最新初中英语日记

    [英语日记] Thenewspaper 报 纸 Nowadays the newspaper possesses considerable value Everybody should read it. It supplies us with a variety of news every day. It ...

  • 初中生暑假英语日记

    [英语日记] 李力可My FamilyMy family includes three people and a pet. These three people are my father, my mother , and I. I also have a cat named cookie.My fath...

  • 初中生国庆节日记

    [初一日记] 一年一度的十一国庆节到了。这天早晨天气格外晴朗,一轮红日从东方徐徐升起,万道霞光普照大地。吃完早饭后,我和妈妈一起来到大街上,看到了一个个激动人心的场...

  • 初中五一节日记

    [初一日记] 鉴于“五一节”,虽一个纪念以劳动人民的节日。多年以来,一直都是延续着三天假的传统。 对我们学生来说,三天假日是让平日不怎么有休闲时间的我们异...

  • 初中生活体验

    [初一日记] 转眼间,小学六年的时光已经悄悄地走过了,从一个个懵懂的小学生已经变成了一个个风华正茂的初中生,再也不能无忧无虑地嬉闹 了。   迈入中学的那一刻,陌生的...

  • 初中国庆节300字日记1

    [初一日记]  一年一度的十一国庆节到了。这天早晨天气格外晴朗,一轮红日从东方徐徐升起,万道霞光普照大地。吃完早饭后,我和妈妈一起来到大街上,看到了一个个激动人心的...

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