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发布时间:2021-12-28 03:00:05

  It was about two in the morning when I returned home. I tried to __1_ up my wife by 2 the doorbell, but she was fast 3 , so I got a ladder and put it 4 the wall and began 5 towards the bedroom window,. I was almost there when a man’s 6 below said, “I don’t think the windows need cleaning at this 7 of the night.” I looked down and 8 fell off the ladder when I saw a policeman. I at once 9 answering in the way I 10 , but is said. “I enjoy 11__ windows at night.” “ 12 do I,” answered the policeman in the same tone. “Excuse my interrupting you, but would you mind 13 with me to the station?” “Sorry,” I said. “You see, I’ve 14 my key.” “Your __15 ?” called. “My key!” I shouted. Luckily my wife got up and opened the window just as the policeman started to climb towards me.

  1.A. wake B. get C. ask D. hitting

  2. A. knocking B. pushing C. ringing D. hitting

  3. A. out B. asleep C. answering D. away

  4. A. to B. in C. by D. against

  5. A. jumping B. climbing C. walking D. running

  6. A. voice B. speech C. sound D. noise

  7. A. day B. o’clock C. time D. place

  8. A. already B. just C. quickly D. nearly

  9. A. regretted B. couldn’t help

  C. finished D. gave up

  10. A. climbed B. did C. went D. returned

  11. A. sweeping B. cleaning C. breaking D. looking up

  12. A. Like B. As C. Too D. So

  13. A. coming B. come C. to come D. came

  14. A. missed B. brought C. forgotten D. found

  15. A. Whose B. Which C. Why D. What




  1. A。“叫醒某人”应表达为wake up sb. or wake sb. up。

  2. C。ring the bell(按门铃)是常用短语。

  3. B。fast asleep表示“睡得很熟”。

  4. D。against the wall表示“靠墙”。

  5. B。梯子放好了就往上爬。

  6. A。作者爬窗户时,听到下面有个男人的说话声。

  7. C。at this time 表示“此刻”。

  8. D。作者回头看见警察时,差一点儿摔下梯子。

  9. B。couldn’t help doing something表示“禁不住做什么”。

  10. B。did = answered。

  11. B。作者说:我喜欢夜里擦窗户。

  12. D。警察说:So do I =我也喜欢夜里擦窗户。

  13. A。mind doing something 是常用搭配。

  14. C。 从作者的上述表现来看,他的确把钥匙给忘了。

  15. D。下文说:我的钥匙!推断上文:你的什么?


  Mr. Miller had a shop in a big town. He 1 ladies’ clothes, and he always had two or three shop girls to 2 him. They were always 3 because they were cheaper than older women, but 4 of them worked for him for very 5 , because they were young, and they did not meet many boys in 6 shop.

  Last month a girl came to work for him. Her 7 was Helen, and she was very good.

  After a few days, Mr. Miller 8 a young man come into the shop. He went 9 to Helen, spoke to her for a few 10 and then went out of the shop. Mr. Miller was very 11 and when the young man 12 he went to Helen and said, “That young man didn’t 13 anything. What did he want to 14 ?”

  Helen answered, “He just wanted to see 15 .”

  A. kept B. sold C. made D. mended

  A. learn B. teach C. help D. follow

  A. young B. strong C. clever D. boring

  A. many B. most C. neither D. none

  A. long B. much C. soon D. often

  A. children’s B. men’s C. clothes D. women’s

  A. friend B. parent C. sister D. name

  A. realized B. guessed C. saw D. chose

  A. away B. straight C. back D. by

  A. words B. times C. things D. minutes

  A. nervous B. pleased C. surprised D. interested

  A. arrived B. left C. smiled D. finished

  A. buy B. try C. treat D. touch

  A. do B. take C. spend D. save

  A. money B. nothing C. me D. nobody






  3.A。从后面的older women得知。





  8.C。see sb. do sth.,此处意为看见有人进来。


  10.D。由于前面有介词for,所以不可用a few words,a few times,a few things.。For a few minutes 意为“跟她说了一会儿”。







  Bob: In a book I was reading, some men had to 1 a desert. There was nothing 2 sand they could see. It was so large 3 it seemed to them that it had almost no 4 .

  Tom: It 5 be very hot.

  Bob: That’s right. 6 hot in a desert. But they rested 7 the day and traveled at night. .

  Tom: But there’re no trees or anything like that 8 you to get cool.

  Bob: 9 . But they had some tents (帐篷). They 10 when they were going to rest.

  Tom: That was a lot of trouble, 11 ?

  Bob: Yes. Every night 12 they 13 on the next part of the trip, they had to take the tents 14 . Then they had to put them on their camels. That’s the 15 way you can travel in a desert.

  1. A. go B. walk C. cross D. reach

  2. A. for B. and C. else D. but

  3. A. because B. that C. as D. enough

  4. A. end B. water C. people D. animals

  5. A. perhaps B. maybe C. sometimes D. must

  6. A. It always is B. It’s always C. It never is D. It’s never

  7. A. on B. at C. during D. until

  8. A. for B. to C. will D. have

  9. A. Yes B. No C. All right D. Very good

  10. A. put up them B. put them up C. made them D built them

  11. A. indeed B. too C. wasn’t it D. wasn’t that

  12. A. when B. after C. before D. when

  13. A. took B. got C. kept D. set out

  14. A. away B. down C. up D. on

  15. A. good B. first C. only D. strange


  本文是一个对话,关于沙漠中人们如何旅行、如何休息,其中有大量的初中部分很重要的一些词组,如:so… that , must be , put sth. up。


  1.C。cross a desert 意为“穿越沙漠”。

  2.D。nothing but 是“除了……之外什么也没有”之意。

  3.B。固定词组,so… that …即“如此……以至于……”。

  4.A。根据上文,此处应选end 。 “ no end”意为“无边无际”。



  7.C。during the day 在白天。

  8.A。for sb. to do sth. 全句意为“没有树或那样的东西让你纳凉”。

  9.B。 此句学生在做时,很容易根据中国人的思维。事实上,上文是一个否定句,如果是对整个否定句进行肯定回答,应用No,否则,用Yes。

  10.B。动词和副词构成的这类词组,如果所接宾语是代词必须放在这两个词之间, 如果是名词放中间,放在后面皆可。Put them up 意为“把他们支起,搭起”。



  13.D。set out 意为”出发”。

  14.C。与上文的put them up相反,意为“收起帐篷”。



  Overhead bridges can be seen in many parts of Singapore, in the place where traffic is very heavy and crossing the road is 1 .

  These bridges can make people 2 roads safely. Overhead bridges are used in very much the same way as zebra crossings.

  They are more efficient (效率高的), 3 less convenient (方便的) because people have to climb up a lot of steps. This is inconvenient to the old. When people 4 an overhead bridge, they do not hold up (阻挡) traffic. But when they cross a 5 road using a zebra crossing, traffic is held up. This is 6 the government (政府) has 7 many overhead bridges to help people and 8 traffic moving at the same time.

  The government of Singapore has 9 a lot of money building these bridges. For their own safety, people should be given hope to use them 10 rushing across the road. Old people may find it a little 11 climbing up and down the steps, but it is still much safer than walking across the road 12 all the moving traffic.

  Overhead bridges are very useful. People, 13 old and young, should 14 use them. This will stop accidents 15 happening.

  1. A. noisy B. not safe C. crowded D. not busy

  2. A. cross B. crossing C. across D. through

  3. A. though B. or C. if D. till

  4. A. pass B. use C. visit D. build

  5. A. wide B. narrow C. busy D. free

  6. A. what B. why C. when D. where

  7. A. made B. let C. built D. asked

  8. A. see B. keep C. find D. feel

  9. A. used B. made C. spent D. borrowed

  10. A. full of B. fond of C. in spite of D. instead of

  11. A. difficult B. different C. worried D. exited

  12. A. past B. along C. about D. with

  13. A. both B. either C. neither D. not

  14. A. almost B. always C. nearly D. hardly

  15. A. in B. at C. with D. from





  2.A。make sb. do sth. 其它词性不对。


  4.B。 pass与bridge无法搭配,而visit ,build与bridge搭配意思不符。




  8.C。keep … doing 意为“让……一直干某事” 。

  9.B。spend…(in) doing 意为“在建立交桥上花费了大量的财力”。

  10.D。建立交桥一方面有利安全,另一方面帮助人们。所以人们应该使用它们,而不是横穿马路(有如在建立交桥之前)。instead of “而不是”,“代替”。

  11.A。 老人上下立交桥当然是有点困难,difficult形容词作宾语补足语。




  15.D。固定短语stop sb. from doing,本句意为“阻止交通事故的发生。


  The water and the land are thought part of the earth surface (表面). The air is 1 thought a kind of blanket (毯子) 2 the earth. But it is 3 than that. Maybe you have been in a cave (洞穴) 4 in the earth. Did you think about the air that was in the cave? The land has some air mixed in it. Air is even mixed 5 the water in the sea. These examples show that some air is 6 the earth’s surface as well as above it.

  Men once 7 that there were four basic things from which everything else was made. They 8 these things-earth, fire, air and water the four elements (元素). 9 man made more observations, they 10 that fire was not an element. 11 they concluded (得出结论) that land, air and water were not elements, 12 .

  13 , there are more than 100 elements from which scientists believe all things are made. 14 land, air and water are not elements, they are three main parts of man’s environment (环境). You will 15 more about them as you study the earth.

  1. A. usually B. seldom C. never D. sometimes

  2. A. above B. around C. across D. among

  3. A. better B. more C. less D. worse

  4. A wide B. high C. long D. deep

  5. A. at B. in C. with D. to

  6. A. below B. before C. between D. beside

  7. A. found B. thought C. knew D. understood

  8. A. called B. told C. name D. said

  9. A. That B. For C. As D. So

  10. A. believe B. planned C. decided D. want

  11. A. End B. At last C. Hardly D. Nearly

  12. A. too B. neither C. also D. either

  13. A. True B. Read C. In fact D. Correctly

  14. A. When B. As C. Since D. Though

  15. A. exam B. study C. exercise D. know






  3.B。more than固定短语“不仅仅”。


  5.C。固定短语be mixed with。



  8.A。他们“称之为……”told , said 都不准确,而name的时态不对。

  9.C。这里的as有“随着”的意思,相当于when 。



  12.D。 either用于否定句,“也不”的意思。

  13.C。 无论是语法结构还是意思只有In fact对。

  14.D。 尽管它们不是元素,但他们是人类环境的三个主要部分。

  15.D。 你会对它们了解得更多。


  Debbie got up early last Saturday morning. She wanted 1 in Green Park with some of her friends. She was very 2 about it. 3 she was ready, she got on her bike and 4 for the park -- it was on the other side of the town. Suddenly, as she was riding fast, she 5 sirens (警笛). The sound of the sirens was getting 6 , so Debbie looked 7 her to see what was happening. As a result (结果), she fell off her bike and lay in the middle of the road. Luckily, Debbie wasn’t hurt, 8 a car hit her bike. After the car 9 , two men got out and started running. 10 , a police car stopped next to the same car and three policemen got 11 and started running 12 the two men. One of the policemen shouted, “Stop the thieves (贼)!”

  13 a policeman came to see Debbie. He thanked her because, in a 14 , she had helped them 15 .

  1. A. goes to skate B. go skating C. going to skate D. to go skating

  2. A. happy B. angry C. sad D. worried

  3. A. While B. As soon as C. If D. As quickly as

  4. A. carried B. left C. went D. leaving

  5. A. heard B. listened to C. found D. saw

  6. A. close and close B. closer and closer

  C. big and big D. bigger and bigger

  7. A. after B. in front of C. behind D. before

  8. A. because B. so C. but D. and

  9. A. fell over B. passed away

  C. turned back D. stopped

  10. A .Few minutes later B. Just then

  C. After an hour D. Very fast

  11. A. in B. of C. out of D. out

  12. A. after B. before C. in front of D. behind

  13. A. In a few days B. Sometimes

  C. Some time later D. At the same time

  14. A. word B. shop C. moment D. way

  15. A. get out of the car B. run after the two men

  C. catch the thieves D. shout at the thieves




  1.D。want to do sth 固定短语。


  3.B。她一准备好,就骑上自行车准备出发。As soon as “一……就……”。

  4.B。leave for 离开去某地。D选项形式不对。


  6.B。警笛越来越近。Bigger and bigger很容易被当选,但形容声音最好用louder and louder。





  11.D。get out 出来。如果要选C得加一个宾语the car 。

  12.A。run after 追赶,跟在后面跑。


  14.D。in a way 固定短语,“在某种程度上”。 In a word “总而言之”;in a shop “在商店里”;in a moment 一会儿。


