有了你我谁也不缺心再野也懂得拒绝- 空空空空空、心 。- 失失失失失、心 。请叫我丫头、请叫我小子、醒是更深的梦、梦是无声的醒、相爱那些年分手那些天咱爸叫窝回家吃饭。咱妈叫喔回家睡觉。爱得那么深就显得那么美恨就那么深就显得那么爱乱了夏天蓝了海丶丢了少年失了心丶
女胸手男射手烛光剪影伊人俏刀光戎影良人貌放学你给我等着丶有本事你堵我啊丶来画画,不要孤单。来花花,不要孤胆。这城市那么空°这回忆那么凶°sole浅香//* sole浅唱//*一声在乎,一生在乎我愿吃一粒绝情丹我愿喝一碗忘情水我的温柔、我的预谋、罂粟少年╮美毒彼岸少女╮美亡浮生若梦 为欢几何-ζ空梦一场 销魂几度-ζ话说丶沵偷了我的心听说丶沵丢了一颗心羊男狼女先玍ヽ我是你沾不起的花尒姐ヽ我是你惹不起的草我丶你的唯一你丶我的唯一风筝有风。海豚有海。゛ 258°ヾ 520°ζ
你当我有病我拿你当命绑匪BANGFEI人质RENZHI我能入你心吗我能入你梦吗人潮拥挤@我拥有你@薄情马子!痴情凯子!挚友与狗@金钱与婊@婚纱玫瑰我的少年西装戒指我的女孩骚年的爱下载中゛菇凉的爱安装中゛是不是沧海桑田你都在身边亲爱的我永远对你不离不弃熊大。熊二。坚持贯彻爱老公思想彻底落实爱老婆精神I gave you my heartI gave you my dreamLose controlKeep sanityVulnerable to the attackall - conqueringDid you love dogs?A talking kindPerhaps todayMaybe the formerWhat's weak heartThe answer is youIdentify withMinds thinkLet the Red companionUnrestrained aliveSustenance of missingComfort of the sunshineWedding day a dreamTenderness waterSeparate each other laddLove is mutual bondage- You are my sweet- You are my breathingThe past is pastThe future is the futurepaper airplane to Mrpaper airplane miss
Facing the seaGood opportunityGive me a hug can doLet me warm youI'm crazy for youI'm mad about youMemories of youHas become in the pastwhen you smilewhen you gone白色玫瑰诱惑般的温柔、红色玫瑰血色般的妖娆、Endless nightsEndless darkness- Why do you love me.- It's force majeure.Give me a reason -Ok I love you -@七年光阴十年光景@- Told you my secret.- Told you my thinking.- In my heart.- On my hand.- If you was she- If you was heI wanted youI missed youEspeciallyParticularlyMy dear husbandMy dear wifeI'm the one you loveYou are the one I lov- RELLY LOVE YOU MAN- REALLY LOVE YOUR WOMAN终:(老:(左手丶毒丨右手丶毒丨旧梦失词°随遇而安°-艾丶你-疼丶你-今非昔比°昨是今非 - °我爱他 *我爱她 *Crazy丶的疼-Crazy丶的痛-
我爱他 *我爱她 *Crazy丶的疼-Crazy丶的痛-失她,失他,柔情似水似你爸。倾国倾城倾你妈。