- 爱青果,,点带那个中学生网络课堂的☆ Strange(陌生)☆ Scar(伤痕)★ Loss(遗失)★ Annihilation(湮灭)☆ Fade(凋谢)☆ Treason(叛逆)☆ Memory(回忆)☆ Distance(距离)生活日记网真八错,学习还能组战队☆ Struggle(挣扎)☆ Care(牵挂)☆ Wilt(枯萎)☆ Trap(圈套)Really very tired<好累>A little late <有点don't cry <不要哭>☆ Fatal(致命)☆ Fate(命运)☆ Dazzling(刺眼)☆ Tolerant(宽容)☆ Incomplete(残缺)☆ Stubborn(倔强)Seniors☆ Fantasy(幻想)
NIOThe busdriver.self-mockery 自嘲。Arma°Ar°I need youyou are so toyou toofresh Girl °I'm crazy.our time.Mad or stupidJustin Biebei!!!@Overdoselollipop。Mis Sunshine.Mr Moonshine.Se Hun °Lu Han °Forever永远 -Always On Line,ignore meFor heart(换心)Everything for you,Old love still,Black and blue,Day to day,Feeling like a beast,
It is no use crying, butSomuns 丶Charm [魅惑]crazy;Lolita(萝莉)DO you love me?Yes , I love you!biu biu biu~Korea.my dreamPosion、(毒药)