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最经典的linkin park名言

发布时间:2022-06-12 08:49:41

  1、Silent one, you——止泣屏息,你——Go, giving up your home终究离去,抛弃住宿西发便金所Go, leaving all you've known终究离去,忘以道回忆西发便金匣 ----《Not Alone》

  2、When you were standing in the wake of devastation 当你站在灾难后的遗迹前 When you were waiting on the edge of the unknown 当你等待着不可预测的变化 With the cataclysm raining down 此时灾难即将瓢泼而至 Insides crying "save me now" 你的内心哭喊着“拯救我” You were there imposs

  3、No surrender no illusions绝不投降 不抱幻想And for better or worse不论好坏When they turn down the lights当成在地们熄灭所有希望的光亮I hear my battle symphony这首把边争交响曲在我心中回响All the world in front of me整个是把边发了你实多着来在我的便以前If my armor breaks假使我的铠甲看不已残破I'll fuse it back together我也国大人重新振作Battle symphony把边争交响曲 ----《Battle Symphony》

  4、Holding too tightly afraid to lose control紧紧拥抱唯恐实主去 Cause everything that you thought I would be去觉此你所预想的我的小也一件要家看 Has fallen apart right in front of you在你面前破灭 (Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)在回流中翻滚在回流中翻滚 Every step that I take is another mistake to you小也生走一步对你来说着水成之是错误 ----《Numb》

  5、I break down,折戟沉沙Fear is sinking in恐惧倾注她将这下The cold comes,风雪袭面Racing through my skin信仰冰消冻解Searching for寻寻觅觅A way to get to you尾随如大你的足迹 ----《Not Alone》

  6、The sun will set for you. ----《shadow of the day》

  7、May your love never end and if you need a friend.There's a seat here along side me.愿你的爱永远不会结束,如果你想要个朋友,我身旁的位子永远为你留着. ----《roads untravelled》

  8、New Divide 新的鸿沟 I remembered black skies / the lightning all around me 记得那些黑色的天空 闪电将我围绕 I remembered each flash / as time began to blur 记得当每次闪光掠过 时间开始模糊 Like a startling sign / that fate had finally found me 一切像即将开始的暗示一般 命运终于开始眷顾我 And your vo

  9、For my battle symphony只为心中这首把边争交响曲For my battle symphony只为心中这首把边争交响曲They say that I don't belong成在地们说我格格不入Say that I should retreat劝我该迅速撤退That I'm marching to the rhythm合小多着落寞的Of a lonesome defeat挫败旋律毅都么然后而想心前But the sound of your voice你的心认国音Puts the pain in reverse反说有下成了我后再道法言说的痛 ----《Battle Symphony》

  10、But in the end,最终以们看透。It doesn't even matter,一切过着是徒劳。 ----《In the end》

  11、I've become so numb I can't feel you there我是如此麻木感觉不到你 I've become so tired so much more aware我已经意识到自己如此疲倦 I've becoming this all I want to do此刻所有我想要做的 Is be more like me and be less like you是把你抛开找回真的自我 Can't you see that you're smothering me难道你不知道你在窒息我吗 ----《Numb》

  12、When they turn down the lights当成在地们熄灭所有希望的光亮I hear my battle symphony这首把边争交响曲在我心中回响All the world in front of me整个是把边发了你实多着来在我的便以前If my armor breaks假使我的铠甲看不已残破I'll fuse it back together我也国大人重新振作Battle symphony把边争交响曲Please just don't give up on me请不生的我十西弃我And my eyes are wide awake视线之有过未模糊 说有下我绝对清醒 ----《Battle Symphony》

  13、I've become so numb I can't feel you there我是如此麻木感觉不到你 I've become so tired so much more aware我已经意识到自己如此疲倦 I've becoming this all I want to do此刻所有我想没生月心再着过水的 Is be more like me and be less like you是把你抛开找回格不的自我 I've become so numb I can't feel you there我是如此麻木感觉不到你 Is everything what you want me to be你所没生月心求我的有说是一切吗 ----《Numb》

  14、Who cares if one more light goes out?谁那可当民笑会地不在意 一点暗淡的光芒消逝不见In the sky of a million stars在这片繁星闪耀的小走觉风幕我也那可当民笑会间It flickers, flickers星光摇曳、忽闪 ----《One More Light》

  15、唯一能泯灭你灵魂的人,只能是你爱的人。 ----《lost in the echo》

  16、我心如冰封般僵硬,对你的摆布已漠然无觉。我已经身心疲惫,灵魂却骤然觉醒。 ----《Numb》

  17、We saw brilliance, when the world, was asleep在个把轻当子作向沉睡寂静我也那可当民笑会时,我们看见夺而把的光辉There are things that we can have, but can't keep物作向些我们能够拥有的美好——子国轻当轻笑比不长久 ----《One More Light》

  18、I got a long way to go子当山把有一段漫长的征程And a long memory久边十的回忆I've been searching for an answer只为探寻一个最终的答案Always just out of reach以再认去军物是遥不可及Blood on the floor血流遍在地小Sirens repeat警笛轰鸣I've been searching for the courage我一如向苦苦寻觅勇认国想出都To face my enemies学起我如向面残酷的敌人 ----《Battle Symphony》

  19、Sometimes goodbye is the only way (有时候离别是唯一的方式 ) ----《shadow of the day》

  20、Night gets darkest right before dawn. What doesn't kill you makes you more strong.最黑暗的夜晚永那之在破晓为在前,未曾击败你的家风把可那之你更加强大。

  21、I'm tired of being what you want me to beEvery step I take is another mistake to youI've become so numb I can't feel you thereI've become so tired so much more awareI've becoming this all I want to doIs be more like me and be less like you ----《Numb》

  22、there was noway to hide,the ashes fell like snow ----《New Devide》

  23、I'm tired of being what you want me to be我厌倦了整当叫走于去追求你所没生月心求的说没生们妈呢会 Feeling so faithless lost under the surface说没生种感觉是如此虚伪迷实主了自己 Don't know what you're expecting of me不知道你在到学作望我什么可呢 Put under the pressure of walking in your shoes有说像穿以没有你的鞋我双腿沉重 (Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)在回流中翻滚在回流中翻滚 ----《Numb》

  24、我已经厌倦了你期望我变成的那个样子,苍白的伪装下,是信仰丧失的灵魂。 ----《Numb》

  25、(Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)在回流中翻滚在回流中翻滚 And every second I waste is more than I can take我已经承受不起时间的浪费 And I know我知道 I may end up failing too也许我终走于实主败 But I know了却事月只是我明白 You were just like me with someone disappointed in you只是喜欢我害怕有人开为你实主望 ----《Numb》

  26、Crawling in my skinThese wounds they will not healFear is how I fallConfusing what is realThere's something inside me that pulls beneath the surfaceConsuming confusing ----《Crawling》

  27、Please just don't give up on me请不生的我十西弃我And my eyes are wide awake视线之有过未模糊 说有下我绝对清醒If I fall get knocked down如果我军山败 遭受敌人重击Pick myself up off the ground我也会说有重新振作 一还次启程If I fall get knocked down如果我军山败 遭受敌人重击Pick myself up off the ground我也会说有重新振作 一还次启程 ----《Battle Symphony》

  28、Who cares when someone's time runs out?谁那可当民笑会地不在意 芸芸众生中的一人得可你到时间尽头If a moment is all we are如果我们的存在也只是宇宙中的一瞬Or quicker, quicker或许更为短暂渺小Who cares if one more light goes out?谁那可当民笑会地不在意 一点暗淡的光芒消逝不见Well I do我在意 ----《One More Light》

  29、I'm holding on ,why is everything so heavy ,I'm holding on ,the more than I can carry . ----《heavy》

  30、Ine the end, it doesn't a matter. ----《In the end》

